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Globalization for the Common Good.

Globalization refers to the "the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets"1.

Common good can be defined as "that which benefits society as a whole"2.

What does it mean when we combine the two ideas into one?

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What is Globalization for the Common Good?

Globalization has produced an atmosphere and culture in which personal gain takes precedence above the common good.

Inequality, injustice, poverty, marginalization, exclusion, and environmental degradation are all global issues that people face on the daily.
With the manner that economics is taught, there is a strong focus on competition and self-serving factors. As a result, there is little consideration for compassion.
Globalization changes the way people communciate due to geographical differences, expectations on international employees versus domestic employees, purchasing behaviors of foreign customers, competiton based on location, and so much more.
The growth of globalization as if people cared, involving an honest discussion on an examination of integrity, responsibility, accountability, and spirituality for the welfare of everyone, is the economic vision of globalization for the common good.
The first step is by taking a look at the education system. Is it feasible to improve education by teaching compassion to students? If we can change the way young learners think, they will have the tools necessary to meet demand while demonstrating consideration for others.
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